v + b Joint Venture
Pablo E. Vengoechea, RA, APA, Partner
2010 - Date Managing Partner; vengoechea + boyland ARCHITECTURE/URBAN PLANNING LLP
1995 - 2014 Vice-Chairman; NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission
2002 - Date Visiting Associate Professor of Urban Planning;
1997 - 2002 Adjunct Professor, Urban Planning;Columbia University School of Arch., Planning & Pres.
1990 - 1995 Director - Staten Island Office; NYC Department of City Planning
1985 - 1990 Principal Urban Designer; NYC Department of City Planning
1983 - 1985 Urban Designer, Office of Development; NYC Dep. of Housing, Pres. & Development
1980 - 1983 Design Development, Project Man. & Prod. Edward Larrabee Barnes & Partners
1974 - 1976 Clorindo Testa Architects
1979 M.S. Architecture & Urban Design; Columbia University
1974 Bachelor in Architecture, Pratt Institute
1972-1973 Polytechnic of Central London
2015 - Date Sundog Theater Board, Board Member.
2014 - Date Historic District Council, Advisory Board.
2010 International research institute, Alicante, Spain.
2010 International Center for the Conservation of Patrimony US. CICOP US. Founder.
App. 2003 Staten Island Growth Management Task Force.
2004 - 2007 Disaster Preparedness Task Force, AIA. Co-chair.
2007 - 2009 Alice Austen Museum. Board.
2001 Making Great Communities Happen. Award for Excellence.
1999 American Planning Association. Co-chair of Urban Design Task Force.
1983 - 1985 NYS Council on the Arts. Architecture, Planning and Design Panel.
1979 Columbia University, William Kinne Fellow, Columbia University.
2017 L'alfaz del Pi, Community Planning Workshop Coordinator, Spain.
2015 - 2017 Cave Houses of Grenada Spain, Panel & Guest.
2013 Staten Island Imagines: Planning for Recovery Program, Co-director.
2010 I international Seminar on Management and Revitalization of Historic City Centers,
Invited speaker. Spain.
2008 IV International Congress on Heritage and History of Engineering, Invited speaker. Spain.
2008 Jornadas Patrimonio Urbano, Invited speaker: Ministry of Urban Development City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2008 IX International Congress on Heritage and Building Conservation,
Invited speaker and lecturer: CICP, Sevilla, Spain.
2004 Sherman Creek Planning Workshop, Facilitator, NY.
2003 “Preserving the Suburban Metropolis: New York City & Beyond.” Panel.
2002 “Staten Island Tripod: Borough/Suburb/Regional Link.”
2001 Site Planning Fundamentals, APA Central America, workshop instructor.
2000 “Signs of the Times: A Panel on the Future of W 34th St.” MAS. Moderator.
1998 “Land Use in the Other Boroughs.” Panel. The Association of the Bar of the NYC.
1998 A Plan With a View: Sunset Park in Brooklyn. Urban design model of
community participation. APA/Metro Chapter and CB 7, Brooklyn.
1997 “Seeing Communities Whole.” Panel on preservation planning. Pratt Institute.